

Bildungsromans is a literary term describing stories that show the protagonist growing and coming of age. I'm no Holden Caulfield fangirl but I do feel like the books I read and the clothes I wear have the potential to change me for the better and help me grow.

So here you'll find book reviews, book hauls, reading trends, outfit posts, accessorizing tips, and more. If it's part of my TBR or closet I'll be talking about it here.

By day I'm a public library cataloger, specializing in kids' lit and music. And by night I'm giving up sleep in favor of reading. I live with my nerdy, awesomely bookish husband and our three (!) cats in the Pacific Northwest.

I'm also a contributing blogger at areadinglife.com where I write about the books I'm not writing about here. You can find me on InstagramTwitterGoodreads, and on the Litsy app as @Carol where my photos are little rough but my enthusiasm is unfettered!